Sunday, October 28, 2012


Hi everyone!
Sorry its been awhile since my last post! ( I was on vacation without a computer. Aloha from Hawaii ------->)
 I know have previously talked about how stressful a busy schedule can be and the best way to combat that can be developing a better system of time management. So, this week, I thought I'd post somethings I like to do to keep my schedule better managed.
1. Write down everything you have to do! That's my number one rule. It not only does it make sure you won't forget anything, but having it all written down helps me visualize what I need to do. And its always is a nice sense of relieve to check them off : )
2. To stay focused, I like to set goals. Yet, instead of setting one big, daunting goal, I like to break one goal down into more simpler tasks. Lets say for example I want to finish my Bio project my thursday, instead just writing down BIO PROJECT on my to do list, i'll break it up each day. Monday, i'll pick a topic and find three informative sites on it. Tuesday, i'll write the first three paragraphs of the write up and the last two on Wednesday, along with a quick proof read.
3. I prioritize my to do list. Now I tend to be overly organized, and highlight the items in order of most importance, but overall I think its important to keep a mental note of what needs to be done first and plan your schedule around that.
4. Lastly, I like to keep my distractions to a minimun. I know how tempting it can be to have your phone next to you or the t.v. on while your doing homework, but they always end up making the task ahead of you longer, which only pushed everything else you need to do back too. So, i've learned to keep my phone somewhere else and to use music instead of the t.v. because it doesn't distract me.
I know these help my hectic schedule, hope they can help yours!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Resource Relieve

This week i'm going to keep the post short and sweet, and just link some resources I find helpful. These sites explain stress, causes, side effects and even prevention tips. Check them out!
Seven Tips to Relieve Stress
Teens and Stress
Stress Management for Teens 101
Teen Health: Stress

Hope you find them helpful :)

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Stress Test???

Have you ever heard or taken a stress test?  I had never heard of one until this week. One of the organizations i'm involved with was talking about it and thought it was interesting. So I decided to take one. I just googled stress test and used the one that came up first or second in google ( The test was nothing like I expect, and honestly there's probably better options out there, but overall I think that idea of a "stress test" is very informative. On the their scale 3.4, between stress and very stressed (literally borderline). Now, while this test did say a little about what that meant, I wish they had provided more information. Like what you could do to help lower your stress level,  or even provide an additional test that could help you pinpoint the main stress in your life. Anyway, those are just my thoughts. If you have any I would love to hear yours :)

Monday, October 1, 2012


People always say laughter is the best medicine. And, for the most part, I agree. So, this week I thought I'd share my favorite youtube videos. Maybe you'll laugh too!

ANY Lonely Island/ SNL digital shorts.
ANY Jenna Marbles video (excluding rants)

So thats it :) Sorry theres not more!